CONCERTS > Teatro Real (Gayarre Hall)

Wednesday, 23 April 2025

On 23 April the Gayarre Hall of the Teatro Real (Plaza Isabel II, s/n) in Madrid will host a piano concert in tribute to the work of Ángel G. Piñero. On this occasion, we change instruments, with the piano taking centre stage. The renowned Italian composer, pianist and conductor Paolo Marzocchi will delight us with a performance of works by Ángel that he has adapted for piano, along with works by other composers and his own.

The Teatro Real has hosted three concerts dedicated to Ángel’s work in recent years. On 24 March 2022, coinciding with what would have been his 90th birthday, a tribute to Spanish classical guitar and the legacy of Ángel G. Piñero was held. This event featured the Santa Cecilia Classical Orchestra, conducted by José Antonio Montaño, and brought together internationally renowned artists from the world of Spanish classical guitar. On 1 January 2024, the Excelentia Foundation organized a New Year’s concert at the same venue to commemorate the 85th anniversary of the composition of El Concierto de Aranjuez by maestro Rodrigo. During this event, Brisas de Cádiz, a piece by Ángel inspired by the sunsets of his homeland, was performed. The most recent tribute took place on 7 June, a special concert that fused his work with that of Manuel de Falla, another distinguished composer from Cádiz. The evening was a celebration of the richness of the Spanish repertoire.

Marzocchi will participate for the first time in a concert organised by the Association. With his versatile approach and unique creativity, he will bring a new interpretative dimension to the Maestro’s works, offering the audience an exceptional musical experience.

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sala oración museo sefardi

Un musée à l’intérieur d’un momument.

Le musée séfarade est situé à l’intérieur de la synagogue de Samuel ha-Levi ou, comme on l’appelle communément, la synagogue d’El Tránsito, l’édifice hispano-juif le plus important d’Espagne, situé au cœur du quartier juif de Tolède.

L’origine de cet édifice spectaculaire remonte au XIVe siècle, lorsqu’il fut construit sur ordre de Samuel ha-Leví, un personnage important de l’époque, qui occupa plusieurs postes importants à la cour du roi Pedro Ier de Castille, tels que celui d’Oidor de la Audiencia, de diplomate et de trésorier royal.

Il s’agit actuellement d’un musée d’État dépendant du ministère de la culture et des sports, rattaché à la direction générale des beaux-arts et géré par la sous-direction générale des musées d’État, dont la mission principale est de préserver et de transmettre l’héritage hispano-juif et sépharade en tant qu’élément fondamental de l’histoire de l’Espagne.

Le musée, tel que nous le connaissons aujourd’hui, a été créé en 1964 et déclaré « musée national d’art hispano-juif » en 1968. En 1969, la synagogue d’El Tránsito se dissocie des fondations Vega-Inclán, l’organisation qui la gérait depuis le début du XXe siècle, et entame sa trajectoire en tant que centre indépendant.

En 1971, le musée a ouvert ses portes au public et, depuis lors, il a fait l’objet de plusieurs améliorations, avec un plan de remodelage complet du bâtiment pour l’adapter aux besoins muséologiques actuels, ainsi qu’un nouveau projet muséologique et muséographique.



Entre las numerosas orquestas que ha dirigido, destacan la Sinfónica de Milán, Sinfónica de Madrid, l’Orchestra del Teatro Carlo Felice de Génova, Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León, Orquesta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Sinfónica de Galicia, l’Orchestra Accademia del Teatro La Scala de Milán, l’Orchestre de l’Opera Royal de Wallonie, l’Orchestre Symphonique de Saint-Étienne, Real Filharmonía de Galicia, Orquesta de Extremadura, Sinfónica de Navarra, Sinfónica de la Región de Murcia, Orquesta de Córdoba, l’Orchestra Filarmonia Veneta y Orquesta Clásica Santa Cecilia entre otras.


Pianist: Paolo Marzocchi (Italy)

Paolo Marzocchi, composer, pianist, and—when required—conductor, was born in Pesaro in 1971. His musical journey began on a family heirloom piano in his childhood home and continued at the conservatory in Pesaro, where, at the age of 12, he was advised to abandon music in favour of other pursuits. After several years of self-directed study and diverse experiences, Marzocchi decided to give music another chance. He first embraced composition and, at the advanced age of 23, under the guidance of his mentor and friend Giovanni Valentini, returned to the piano. This unconventional educational path profoundly shaped his approach to music, fostering a natural affinity for composition in its many forms: from symphonic and chamber music to theatre, cinema, radio, and experimental works, all without concern for labels or linguistic boundaries.
Marzocchi has collaborated with a host of internationally renowned artists and received numerous commissions for operatic, symphonic, chamber, and piano works, partnering with distinguished Italian and international institutions. He frequently takes on the dual role of composer and performer or, when required, conductor.

In addition to his creative pursuits, Marzocchi has coordinated various experimental projects for Italy’s Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research, promoting musical education and social awareness, as well as creating repertoire for youth orchestras and choirs. His works include compositions for youth orchestras and children’s choirs accompanied by professional ensembles, garnering the attention of prominent musical figures such as Salvatore Sciarrino, Ivan Fedele, and Sir Peter Maxwell Davies.

His collaborations with Guido Barbieri have yielded several productions, including two operas: Il Viaggio di Roberto, which earned the praise of Riccardo Muti and was staged during the 2016/17 season at the Opera di Firenze under Marzocchi's baton; and the sacred opera Stabant Matres, commissioned by the Ravenna Festival in 2023, which premiered at the Basilica of San Vitale in Ravenna to critical and public acclaim.

Marzocchi's piano compositions, collected in the album Piano Works (awarded the Amadeus d’Oro and described as "mesmerising" by Luca Ciammarughi), were recently released in an experimental production by the new label Martinville.

He is the founder and artistic director of the WunderKammer Orchestra and serves as Honorary President of the Lipadusa Musical Association of Lampedusa.

Cuarteto de cuerda: Cuarteto Chagall (España)

El cuarteto Chagall está formado por Cristina Pascual Godoy (violín), Sergio Gómez (violín), Abel Nafee Rosch (viola) y Irene Celestino (chelo).

El cuarteto ha ofrecido numerosos conciertos tanto en el ámbito nacional como internacional, destacando sus participaciones en los festivales «Clásicos en Verano» y »Arte Sacro» de la Comunidad de Madrid, en varios ciclos de conciertos en Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), en el ciclo’ «Las soirées de Riaza» (Segovia), ciclos MusaE apoyados por Acción Cultural Española y el MECD, Juventudes Musicales o el concierto ofrecido en el Teatro de la Zarzuela de Madrid en conmemoración del 115 Aniversario de la SGAE.

En el ámbito internacional cabe destacar la gira de conciertos como cuarteto invitado por el «Festival Junger Künstler Bayreuth» o su concierto en el Teatro Massimo Bellini de Catania, con gran éxito de crítica y público. Ha realizado igualmente conciertos en San Juan de Luz y Biarritz (Francia).

El Cuarteto Chagall colabora activamente en la difusión de las obras de Ángel, interpretando sus obras en numerosos conciertos en España y fuera de sus fronteras. El cuarteto fue uno de los protagonistas del concierto Recuerdas de una vida, que tuvo lugar en el Teatro Real de Madrid el 24 de marzo de 2022, en homenaje a la guitarra clásica española y a la figura de Ángel y desde entonces ha participado en varios de los conciertos organizados para difundir la obra del Maestro.



Béla Bartók (1881-1945)

Six Rumanian folk dances

  • Jocul cu bâta

  • Brâul

  • Pe loc

  • Buciumeana

  • Poarga Româneascâ

  • Mărunţel

Franz Liszt (1811-1886)

5 Magyar népdal [Five Hungarian national melodies] – S245                                                          

  • Lassan (Lento)

  • Mérsekélve (Allegretto)

  • Lassan (Lento)

  • Kissé éléuken (Vivace)

  • Busongva (Lento)

Hungarian Rhapsody n.2 – S248 

with “Dies Irae” cadenza by Paolo Marzocchi

Ángel G. Piñero (1932-2022) 

Tres Fantasías 

  • Brisas de Cádiz

  • Meditación

  • El viento de la vida

Paolo Marzocchi (1971-)

Five Albanian Folksongs

  • Kanga e Gjyles [Gjyle’s Song]

  • Pranvera filloi me ardhë [Spring is coming]

  • Dalin vajzat prej mejtepit [The girls are leaving mejtepit]

  • Vaj si kenka ba dyrnjaja [Oh, how people have dwindled]

  • Moj e vogel si florini [You’re tiny like a little gold nugget]



Manuel de Falla: Interludio y Danza española Nº1 de “La vida Breve”


Ángel G. Piñero

  • Alegrías en el puerto (Danza andaluza nº 2) 
  • Ecos en la lejanía (Estreno)


Manuel de Falla: El sombrero de tres picos. Suite Nº 2


Duis malesuada sapien id dolor fermentum pretium. Curabitur a orci vehicula, porta augue id, ultrices ipsum. Aliquam lorem arcu, porttitor egestas ante quis, eleifend interdum orci. Donec id elementum nisl. Nulla enim augue, iaculis eget tellus eleifend, vehicula facilisis enim. Proin nec placerat nulla. Duis fringilla est est, in rutrum nunc consectetur sit amet. Proin in quam et sapien lobortis condimentum ac ac elit. Ut sed metus risus.


Vídeo completo

Vídeo de presentación 1 min.


El 11 de noviembre a la 19:00 se organiza a través de la Asociación de guitarra clásica Ángel G. Piñero, un concierto de guitarra sola y guitarra y cuarteto de cuerdas en la sala Manuel de Falla de la SGAE. Es un concierto monográfico de parte de las obras de Piñero, que serán interpretadas por un concertista ucraniano premiado, Stalisnav Stetshenko y el cuarteto Chagall.

El programa incluye las obras Preludio Azul, El viento de la vida, Murmullo musical, Balada a una desconocida, Viaje Nocturno, Alegrías en el puerto, Canto a la serranía y Brisas de Cádiz.

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